Green Parasitic Fly - Rutilia sp.

Family Tachinidae

This page contains pictures and information about Green Parasitic Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. This fly also known as Bristle Fly. 
Subfamily Dexiinae, tribe Rutiliini, body length 15mm 
The fly's hairy body was bright metallic green in colour, with gold and black patches near the base of the wings.
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In early summer, we saw many of them resting on Iron-bark gum tree trunk in Karawatha Forest Bushtail track. There is a place with many Iron-bark gum trees and openly facing a downhill slope. There could be a place where the males meet the females of this species. 
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Amount them there is the different colour form. They are found at the same place so we believed they are the same species.
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1. Wildlife of Greater Brisbane - New edition, Published by Queensland Museum 2007, p139.

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Last updated: February 16, 2008.