Rare Redeye Flat - Chaetocneme denitza

Family HESPERIIDAE, Subfamily Pyrginae 

This page contains information and pictures about Rare Redeye Flat Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 25mm
This butterfly is also know as Ornata Dusk-flat. It is in the Pyrginae subfamily, they are large and robust, and have the wings expanded flat when at rest. Their larvae are brightly in colours. 
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This butterfly is believed active during and after evening. Caterpillars of this species are pink with a green colours, stay in shelter during the day, feed during the evening. They feed on Myrtaceae, includes different kind of Gum trees, also on Brush Box (Tristania conferta or Lophostemon confertus).
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When we were walking in Karawatha Forest during early summer, we disturbed a medium size butterfly and it flied to a small gum tree a few meter away. It then hiding under a board leaf with wings open flat like a moth. It is orange-brown in colour with creamy semi-transparence patches on forewings. Its eyes are red in colour. It flied away after we took some photos. 
That was the only time that we saw this butterfly.

1. The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby, Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p35. 
2. Chaetocneme denitza - Australian Caterpillars, Don Herbison-Evans.
3. Australian Butterflies - Charles McCubbin, Nelson, Sydney, 1971. p156. 


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Last updated: January 26, 2009.