Owl Moths
Discolor Noctuid Moth
Grass SemiLooper Moths
Pink Line Looper Moth
Black Triangle Moths
4-Triangled Noctuid
Round-eyed Striped Noctuid
Rectangular-striped Noctuid
Triangular-striped Moth


Semi-looper, Triangle, Underwings and Owl Moths

Family Noctuidae, Subfamily CATOCALINAE

This page contains pictures and information about Semi-looper, Triangle, Underwings and Owl Moths in subfamily Catocalinae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
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Eyes pattern on wings
Catocalinae is a subfamily in Moth largest family Noctuidae. Adults have the common name Owl Moths. Catocalinae is the very large and diverse group. Some classify this group as family Catocalidae.    
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Caterpillar                                                                Cocoon                                                                  Covered colour hind wings
Moths in this subfamily Catocalinae are usually medium to very large in size. All of them are strong fliers. Most of them have robust body and broad wings. Some of the them have brightly coloured hind wings which are normally covered. Some others have eye-shaped patterns on their wings. They usually have strong proboscis. Their antennae are usually simple.
The caterpillars in Catocalinae are usually smooth-skinned and lack of hairs. They are long and slender. Some of them have prolegs of segments 3, or 3 and 4 missing and known as semi-looper. They move in looping action. They pupate in a rather scant silk cocoon, usually on or between leaves of host plants.

Semi-looper Moths 

Caterpillars in this group move in looper style and known as semi-looper.

Grass SemiLooper Moths - Genus Mocis

Caterpillars in Genus Mocis feed on grasses (Poaceae), include sugar canes and rices. 

Black Triangle Moths - Genus Trigonodes, Grammodes, Chalciope

We noticed in the subfamily Catocalinae there is a group of moths which are dark brown to black in colours with white strips on wings. When rest, they all hold their forewings in equilateral triangle shape. Those colours and shape make them do not look like a moth. We believed those Black Triangle Moths mimicking each others and form a Mullerian mimicry complex.

Underwings Moths

In Genus Achaea and Ophiusa, the adult moths have brightly coloured hind wings which are normally covered. 

Owl Moths

The moths in this genus are large in size. As their common name implied, most of them have the white band across wings. They also have a large eye spot on each forewing. The bright orange coloured abdomen is covered by wings when rest, only be seen during flight. Not much is known about their caterpillars. 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p912.  
2. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p448.
3. CATOCALINAE in Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2011.
4. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 

Owl Moths ] GrassSemiLooper ] Block Triangle Moths ] Underwing Moths ] White Banded Moths ] Unknown Noctuid ]

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Last updated: December 08, 2011.