Notodontid Moths
Gum Notodontid Moth
Banksia Notodontid Moth
Wattle Notodontid Moth
Processionary Caterpillar 
Brown Ring Epicoma Moth
Yellow Spot Epicoma Moth
Common Epicoma Moth
Black Spot Moth
White Epicoma Moth
Sparshalli Moth
Unknown Notodontid


Wattle Notodontid Moth - Neola semiaurata

Family Notodontidae 

This page contains pictures and information about Wattle Notodontid Moths and caterpillars that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Length 40mm
This Caterpillar will raise its head and/or tail when disturbed. It will also display the eye-spots on its tail. The caterpillar is colourful and actively feeding during the day. They feed on leaves of different species of wattle Acacia.
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We found this caterpillar feeding on wattle leaves in Karawatha Forest during late summer. The caterpillar is pinkish-brown in colour, covered with sparse short hairs. 
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As other caterpillars in the family Notodontidiae, when disturbed, the caterpillar raised its head. Near its end, there are a pair of eye spots which can open and close. 
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The caterpillar is common in Brisbane bushlands. If found, there were usually a few of them feeding on leaves during the day.
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They pupate in cocoon on ground under plant materials. The adult moth is dull brown in colour. We did not find any yet.
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The caterpillar is well camouflaged as foliage or seed pods of wattles. 
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The caterpillar has different body marks to scare away predator. In the above pictures, it shows its eye-spot pattern on one side and the mouth with sharp teeth on other side.
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When disturbed, the caterpillar bend back its head and thorax and shoots out a pink-purple bifid organ from beneath the head. 
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1. Neola semiaurata Walker, 1855 - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2009.
2. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p421, PL.17.12.


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Last updated: October 04, 2011.