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- This page contains pictures and information about Pyralid Moths that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Pyralid Caterpillar makes retreat on leaf
- Family PYRALIDAE was recently split into CRAMBIDAE and PYRALIDAE. In general,
Moths in this two families rest with wings in triangular shape and put the first
pair of long legs in front, the two antennae pass top of their head and pointed backwards. They
are small to medium in size and have relatively long legs.
- Pyralid caterpillars have many different types of habits. Most are
concealed feeder, living in lives tied with silk, in silken webs or in leaf
cases jointed by silk. Some bore in stems or fruits while some live in plant
materials on ground or in soil.
- Bird-dropping Pyralid Moth

- Orthaga seminivea,
subfamily Epipaschiinae,
length 25mm
- Pictures taken outside our house during mid summer. This moth is black and
white in colours, mimics
bird-dropping. The Caterpillars live in a shelter of host plant leaves joined by silk.
Check this page for more
Pyralid Caterpillar makes retreat on leaf

- Salma pyrastis,
subfamily Epipaschiinae, length 30mm
- Caterpillar pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest during mid summer
2005. The moth is brown in colour with yellow patterns on hind wings. In the
second photo, the caterpillar was running very fast that we could not even
take a better photo before it climbed to the tree top.
- Reference:
- 1. Salma
larva - lifeunseen.com by Nick
Monaghan, 2005.
- 2. Salma
(Meyrick, 1887) - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
Pyralid Moth
- Endotricha ignealis,
subfamily Endotrichinae
- Picture taken on Sep 2005.
- Endotricha
(Guenee, 1854) - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
- Reference:
- 1. Moths
- family Pyralidae - lifeunseen.com by Nick Monaghan.
- 2. A Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007,
- 3. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990,
- 4. PYRALIDAE in Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley
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