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This page contains pictures and information about Fire-tailed Resin Bees that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 15mm
- The above photo was taken in late afternoon in Wishart Bushland during late
summer. Fire-tailed Resin Bee has black head and thorax. Its abdomen is distinctively
bright orange-brown in colour. The wings are tinted in black as well. This is a solitary bee and build nest by resin,
gum or mud in enclosed spaces such as space between folds of fabric and old Mud-Dauber Wasp
nest. They will nest in drilled wooden blocks too.

- This bee likes to visit flowers of family Fabaceae.

- This Resin Bee female
builds nest in existing cavity. On Feb 2009, we repaired the pergola in our backyard and had a wooden board
left. We drilled a few 10mm diameter holes on it and hung in the pergola. Few
days later we had an occupancy.
- Reference:
- 1. Native
Bees of the Sydney region, a field guide - Anne Dollin, Michael Batley,
Martyn Robinson & Brian Faulkner, Australian Native Bee Research Centre.
- 2. Megachile mystaceana - Fire-tailed Resin Bee
- Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks.
- 3. Wildlife
of Greater Brisbane - New edition, Published by Queensland Museum
2007, p120.
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