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Family Anthelidae
- This page contains information about Hairy Mary Caterpillars that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Caterpillar 70mm
- The young Hairy Mary Caterpillars are black in colour with long white grey
hairs. They grow to about 70mm and become brown with long dense tufts of
white hairs.

- 35mm long Hairy caterpillar feeding on gum tree leaf. One week later, at
same area found another similar caterpillar, with 90mm in length. The
caterpillar body is dark brown to black in colour, with long white hair.
Notice there are two row of white spots on its back. The second
picture shows it head, it is feeding on gum tree leaf.

- Above picture taken in Karawatha Forest during mid summer.

- They pupate in double-walled cocoon among dead leaves.
- The moths are vary in colour from pale brown yellow to brown, with brown
wavy lines and patterns. The female moth is slight large in size with
wingspans up to 90mm.
- Reference:
- 1. Anthela
- Australian
Caterpillars by Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2004.
- 2. A
Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO
PUBLISHING, 2007, p156.
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